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Notes of a tour through the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and the north-west territory of the Dominion of Canada. : By Thos. Stephenson, of (...)
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Notes of a tour through the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and the north-west territory of the Dominion of Canada. : By Thos. Stephenson, of (...)

Notes of a tour through the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and the north-west territory of the Dominion of Canada. : By Thos. Stephenson, of Cropton, Pickering, Yorkshire. Southern Manitoba. By Wm. M. Porritt of Bridlington Quay. Agriculture in Ontario. Lecture by Dr. MacGregor. Crops in Manitoba, and letters from settlers. Title on cover: Canada. 1883. Read this pamphlet on Manitoba, the north-west territory, and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Through ticketing by the Allan Royal Mail Line. Imprint date from cover. In original yellow illustrated paper covers.
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131055385470D