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Look at 'er go! Kenneth Harrigan, Ford Canada president, shows off the spoilers that help hold its new pride and joy to the ground at a high speed tha(...)
Look at 'er go! Kenneth Harrigan, Ford Canada president, shows off the spoilers that help hold its new pride and joy to the ground at a high speed tha(...)

Look at 'er go! Kenneth Harrigan, Ford Canada president, shows off the spoilers that help hold its new pride and joy to the ground at a high speed tha(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Look at 'er go! Kenneth Harrigan, Ford Canada president, shows off the spoilers that help hold its new pride and joy to the ground at a high speed that traffic police won't appreciate you testing?a blistering 240 kilometres, or roughly 150 miles an hour. The Merkur XR4Ti, gleaming here in front and back views, is Ford's answer to German imports and comes from?where else??the firm's German affiliate. The starting price? Around $23,000.
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
      Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
      Object NumberTSPA_0053227F