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James M. Cameron, councillor for the Town of Vaughan, argues, in his letter below, that while the Maple gravel pit area may be salvation to Metro's ga(...)
James M. Cameron, councillor for the Town of Vaughan, argues, in his letter below, that while the Maple gravel pit area may be salvation to Metro's ga(...)

James M. Cameron, councillor for the Town of Vaughan, argues, in his letter below, that while the Maple gravel pit area may be salvation to Metro's ga(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: James M. Cameron; councillor for the Town of Vaughan; argues; in his letter below; that while the Maple gravel pit area may be salvation to Metro's garbage crisis; it is not necessarily Maple's salvation. Maple has suffered for years from heavy truck traffic and a solution must be found for this problem; James Cameron writes.
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
      Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
      Object NumberTSPA_0106647F