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Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901

82 results
Post Office (1873-1960), Adelaide Street East, north side, opposite head of Toronto St
Hammond, M. O.‏ ‎(Melvin Ormond),‏ ‎1876-1934‏
The Queen of the ball : valse à deux tems
Albert, Charles d', 1809-1886
between 1842 and 1886
Queen's birthday, 1859
City of Toronto
Queen's Own Rifles, Presentation of silver mace by Mrs
Canada. Canadian Army. Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
Queen Victoria
Black and white card advertisement. Front of card depicts an image of Queen Victoria looking sl…
Toronto Lithographing Company
approximately 1886
Picture of Queen Victoria monument in front of parliament buildings. 
International Stationery Co.
Approximately 1912
Picture of Queen Victoria monument.
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
Approximately 1905
Picture of group of people sitting at the base of Queen Victoria monument. 
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
Approximately 1910
Picture of Queen Victoria monument.
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
Approximately 1911
Royal Family - Victoria, Queen (1837-1901)
Toronto Star (Firm)