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Massey Hall (Toronto, Ont.)

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15 results
Black and white head shots of Dr. R.A. Torrey and Mr. C.M. Alexander.
Torrey, R.A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928
Approximately 1906
Colorized photograph which shows a city street and a huge theater building on the right.
Valentine & Sons
approximately 1910
Sepia toned picture of a large theatre with prominent fire escapes.
International Stationery Co., Picton Canada
Approximately 1915
Color picture of a large building with prominent fire escapes. Streetcar appears to the left.
Valentine & Sons
Approximately 1915
A black and white photograph of a large public building.
Canadian Souvenir Cards
Approximately 1904
Massey Music Hall, Toronto, Can
Warwick Bros. & Rutter‏
Color picture of a large music hall with prominent fire escapes.
Massey Hall (Toronto, Ont.)
approximately 1907
Black and white head shots of Mr. C.M. Alexander and Dr. R.A. Torrey superimposed over a long s…
Massey Hall (Toronto, Ont.)
Approximately 1906
Paderewski, Massey Music Hall, Toronto
Paderewski, Ignace Jan, 1860-1941
Picture of large choir in front of art gallery. 
Massey Hall (Toronto, Ont.)
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