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Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

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Five Jersey cows in a penned in area on a farm.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1910
Six Jersey cows crossing a stream.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1912
Colorized photograph of a huge barn with a green silo.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1914
Colorized photograph of a barn with other farm buildings.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1910
Colorized photograph of farm buildings.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1911
A herd of Jersey cows standing in a river in a grassy valley.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1910
Colour photo postcard depicting College Street looking west from Spadina Avenue. Horse-drawn ca…
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approx 1910
The Don Valley Toronto
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1910
Dundurn Castle, Hamilton, Canada
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
English Church, Whitby
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
First Methodist Church, Hamilton, Canada
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Hamilton Market
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Holy Blossom Synagogue, Toronto
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Canada
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Picture of people near a beach on a lake with large building in the background. 
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
If you want to know
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
1907 circa
Colorized photograph of people bicycling on a path in a wooded area.
Pugh Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Approximately 1910