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Ballantine Bros.

48 results
Colorize photograph of the front a a large building with a veranda. Manicures lawn; lake with b…
Ballantine Bros.
after 1906 before 1918
Colorized photograph of a large stone building in the Italianate style.
Ballantine Bros.
Approximately 1925
Colorized photograph of a huge collegiate building of the classical ionic style.
Ballantine Bros.
Approximately 1911
Colorized photograph of a large, Victorian hospital building.
Ballantine Bros.
Approximately 1915
Colorized aerial photograph of skyscrapers in a large city.
Ballantine Bros.
Approximately 1925
Colorized photograph of an eight story skyscraper building taken from a corner angle. A car is …
Ballantine Bros.
Approximately 1930
Colour postcard depicting a photo of the exterior of St. Augustine's seminary, with caption, "S…
Ballantine Bros.
Approximately 1925
Colour postcard depicting a view down a residential street with trees and houses visible on eac…
Ballantine Bros.
approx 1920
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Ballantine Bros.
1910 circa
Picture of a crowded beach. 
Ballantine Bros.
Picture of crowds walking around buildings at an amusement park. 
City Dairy Co. (Toronto, Ont.)
Approximately 1920
Picture of large boat house and dance hall building. 
Ballantine Bros.
Approximatley 1925
Picture of large church building. 
Ballantine Bros.
approximately 1925