Undershaw; Hindhead, Surrey; "My dear Mr. Frohman; You may have heard of my great sorrow. My wife passed away this week..."
DateJuly 1906
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
Frohman, Charles, 1860-1915
Bright, Addison
NotesHolograph (black ink), written on Undershaw, Hindhead, Surrey mourning stationery ; date of letter conjectured from Doyle's wife's death (July 4, 1906). Letter from Doyle to Charles Frohman, American theatrical producer and co-founder of the Theatrical Syndicate--discussing the questionable business practices of Doyle's theatrical agent in London, Addison Bright (of Madbury & Bright Agency). Letter headed by "Private & confidential."
ProvenancePurchased in 2021 from Sumner & Stillman.
CollectionArthur Conan Doyle Collection
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131181218009D
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1904
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1898
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
November 29, 1904
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1898
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1902
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1902
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1903
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1898
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1898
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
approximately 1903