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Kottō : being Japanese curios, with sundry cobwebs
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Book cover: Stamped illustration of a bird with long, multi-coloured tail feathers.

Kottō : being Japanese curios, with sundry cobwebs

Collection of old Japanese tales that illustrate some strange beliefs. Compiled by Lafcadio Hearn. Contents: The legend of Yurei-Daki. In a cup of tea. Common sense. Ikiryō. Shiryō. The story of O-Kamé. Story of a fly. Story of a pheasant. The story of Chūgōro - A woman's diary. Heiké-gani. Fireflies. A drop of dew. Gaki. A matter of custom. Revery. Pathological. In the dead of the night. Kusa-Hibari. The eater of dreams.
    DimensionsCover size: 21 cm x 14 cm (8 1/4 in. x 5 1/2 in.)
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131098489750D