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At moment of victory, newly elected New Democratic Party Leader David Lewis, surrounded by a sea of supporters, speaks into microphones while his son,(...)
At moment of victory, newly elected New Democratic Party Leader David Lewis, surrounded by a sea of supporters, speaks into microphones while his son,(...)

At moment of victory, newly elected New Democratic Party Leader David Lewis, surrounded by a sea of supporters, speaks into microphones while his son,(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: At moment of victory; newly elected New Democratic Party Leader David Lewis; surrounded by a sea of supporters; speaks into microphones while his son; Stephen Lewis (left); MPP for Scarborough West; stands with his hand on his father's shoulder. Lewis had 1;046 votes on the final ballot to 612 for the Waffle group's candidate James Laxer. Earlier ballots had eliminated three others.
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
      Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
      Object NumberTSPA_0005054F