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Montreal, July 11 (Expo 67) - Expo's 20,000,000th visitor is Miss Celine Bouthiller, 19, of Chicopee, Mass
Montreal, July 11 (Expo 67) - Expo's 20,000,000th visitor is Miss Celine Bouthiller, 19, of Chicopee, Mass

Montreal, July 11 (Expo 67) - Expo's 20,000,000th visitor is Miss Celine Bouthiller, 19, of Chicopee, Mass

Original Toronto Star caption: Montreal; July 11 (Expo 67) - Expo's 20;000;000th visitor is Miss Celine Bouthiller; 19; of Chicopee; Mass. She arrived at the Ile Sainte Helene entrance to Expo at 13:30 today; with her father and mother; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bouthiller; her sisters; Denise; 17; and Aileen; 16; and her aunt Therese Lantheir. Although her father is from Henriville; P.Q.; Celine was born and brought up in Massachusetts; where her father is an electrician. She is now a nursing student in Holyoke; Mass. As the party came through the turnstile they were besieged by cameramen and reporters before going to a reception in the United States Paviion. Celine was presented with a watch by representative of the Swiss Pavilion and she and her family will be the guests of Bastos of Canada; makers of Expo 67 cigarettes; for the next 24 hours.
GeographyProvince stateOntario
    ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
    Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
    Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
    Object NumberTSPA_0004462F