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Hudson's Bay company, papers presented by command of Her Majesty to the House of commons, in pursuance of an address praying that Her Majesty would be(...)
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Hudson's Bay company, papers presented by command of Her Majesty to the House of commons, in pursuance of an address praying that Her Majesty would be(...)

Hudson's Bay company; papers presented by command of Her Majesty to the House of commons, in pursuance of an address praying that Her Majesty would be graciously pleased to direct that such means as to Her Majesty shall seem most fitting and effectual be taken to ascertain the legality of the powers in respect to territory, trade, taxation and government, which are, or recently have been, claimed or exercised by the Hudson's Bay company on the continent of North America, under the charter of His Majesty King Charles the Second, issued in the year 1670, or in virtue of any other right or title, except those conveyed by or under the act 43 Geo. 3, c. 138 (extending the criminal jurisdiction of Canadian courts) and...Geo. 4, c. 66, intituled, ''An act for regulating the fur trade, and establishing a crimin. Cop. 2 bound (3) with its Hudson's Bay company; return to an address of the honourable the House of commons, dated 26 May, 1842.
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    Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
    Object Number37131055460281D