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The report of the arbitrator on the part of the province of Upper Canada, appointed by commission bearing date the 4th January, 1823, pursuant to the (...)
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The report of the arbitrator on the part of the province of Upper Canada, appointed by commission bearing date the 4th January, 1823, pursuant to the (...)

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Object Number37131055458558D
Proceedings of a Special committee appointed on Wednesday, the 15th January, 1823, on the bill for the better regulation of the fisheries in the infer(...)
Bas-Canada. Législature. Chambre d'assemblée. Special Committee to whom was referred the bill for the better regulation of the fisheries in the inferior district of Gaspé.
Report from the Select committee of the House of assembly of Upper Canada, appointed to report on the state of the province
Ontario. House of Assembly. Select Committee Appointed to Report on the State of the Province
First report of the Select committee appointed to take into consideration the internal resources of the province of Upper-Canada in its agriculture an(...)
Ontario. House of Assembly. Select Committee Appointed to take into Consideration the Internal Resources of the Province of Upper-Canada in its Agriculture and Exports