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Church's Mineral Map of Nova Scotia shewing by symbols the outcrop of the known coal seams, gold-bearing quartz-veins and ore-beds containing minerals of economic value and importance
Church's Mineral Map of Nova Scotia shewing by symbols the outcrop of the known coal seams, gold-bearing quartz-veins and ore-beds containing minerals of economic value and importance

Church's Mineral Map of Nova Scotia shewing by symbols the outcrop of the known coal seams, gold-bearing quartz-veins and ore-beds containing minerals of economic value and importance

    Dimensions1 inch to 6 miles : 65 x 80 cm folded to 14 x 18 cm
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number912-716-C364-FRA
      Catalogue of economic minerals, &c
      Great Exhibition (1851 : London, England)
      U.K. prisons bursting at seams
      Spremo, Boris