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Digital Archive Ontario Homepage the reformers of Frontenac, pub. by order of the Reform association of Canada
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Notes the reformers of Frontenac, pub. by order of the Reform association of Canada. Cop. 2 bound (4) with Bidwell, M.S. Letters addressed to the people of the Canadas and British North America on elective institutions. Cop. 3 bound (4) with cop. 1 of Ryerson, A.E. Sir Charles Metcalfe defended against the attacks of his late counsellors. Cop. 4 bound (4) with Goldie, J. Diary of a journey through Upper Canada and some of the New England states, 1819. Cop. 5 bound (6) with cop. 2 of The addresses presented to His Excellency the Right Hon. Sir Chas. T. Metcalfe, bart., G.C.B., governor-general of British North America, &c. &c., on the occasion of the resignation of his late advisers.
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131055445100D
      Reformers of the nineteenth century
      Grant, George Monro, 1835-1902
      The Police as Social and Moral Reformers
      Kelso, J. J. (John Joseph), 1864-1935
      1908 circa
      Address of the Constitutional reform association to the people of Upper Canada
      Constitutional Reform Association of Upper Canada