At the General Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia, begun and holden at Halifax, on the seventh day June, 1799,
Anthony Henry
Nova Scotia
NotesAt the General Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia, begun and holden at Halifax, on the seventh day June, 1799; : in the thirty ninth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Third of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. being the seventh session of the seventh General Assembly, convened in the said province. Signatures: 5I-5N2 25M2. Tremaine 1139. Caption title. At head of title: 1799. Anno tricessimo nono Regis, George III. Cap. I. Imprint from Tremaine. Contains five temporary acts passed during the session June 7-July 31, 1799.
Dimensions||25 cm. (fo)||
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131055376362D
Burke, Edmund, 1753-1820. Letter of instruction to the Catholic missionaries of Nova Scotia and its dependencies
C.O. Senécal, Geographer and Chief Draughtsman