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Return to an Address from the Legislative assembly to His Excellency the Governor General, dated the 3rd ultimo, praying His Excellency to cause to be(...)
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Return to an Address from the Legislative assembly to His Excellency the Governor General, dated the 3rd ultimo, praying His Excellency to cause to be(...)

Return to an Address from the Legislative assembly to His Excellency the Governor General, dated the 3rd ultimo, praying His Excellency to cause to be laid before the house ''copeis of any reports made by commissioners appointed to enquire into the conduct of the late John Clarke, as agent for public lands in Huron, and copy of any representations or reports from the Commissioner of crown lands to the executive government, relative to the conduct and accounts of Thomas Baines, late an agent for public lands at Toronto, together with a list or schedule of crown lands agents in both Canadas, defaulters, or in arrears, and showing the sums they are severally thus due and in arrear for''
    GeographyProvince stateOntario
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131055306229D