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An account of conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-general Sir William Johnson, Bart
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An account of conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-general Sir William Johnson, Bart

An account of conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-general Sir William Johnson, Bart. and the chief sachems and warriours of the...Indian nations in North America, : at their meetings on different occasions at Fort Johnson in the county of Albany, in the colony of New York, in the years 1755 and 1756. With a letter from the Rev. Mr. Hawley to Sir William Johnson, written at the desire of the Delaware Indians. And a preface giving a short account of the Six Nations, some anecdotes of the life of Sir William, and notes illustrating the whole; also an appendix containing an account of conferences between several Quakers in Philadelphia, and some of the heads of the Six Nations, in April 1756. Last page blank. Signatures: 1, A4 a2 B-K4 L2 TPL,243.
    Terminology Note
    Toronto Public Library recognizes that the term "Indians," used in subject headings such as "Indians of North America", is offensive to many people. Although we currently maintain these headings to adhere to descriptive standards used by libraries worldwide, we and other Canadian libraries are working to replace them with ones that are acceptable to Indigenous Peoples in Canada. 
    GeographyCountryCanada||United States
    Dimensions||21 cm. (8vo)||
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131052108602D
      Major-General Sir James Carmichael Smyth, Bart
      Colnaghi and Puckle (London)
      Indian treaties
      Cameron, D.