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Non-import. Argos' Terry Metcalf and wife Celeste have a Sweet Feet Jr. The little one's name is Terry, who checked in Tuesday at 8 pounds, 10 ounces.(...)
Non-import. Argos' Terry Metcalf and wife Celeste have a Sweet Feet Jr. The little one's name is Terry, who checked in Tuesday at 8 pounds, 10 ounces.(...)

Non-import. Argos' Terry Metcalf and wife Celeste have a Sweet Feet Jr. The little one's name is Terry, who checked in Tuesday at 8 pounds, 10 ounces.(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Non-import. Argos' Terry Metcalf and wife Celeste have a Sweet Feet Jr. The little one's name is Terry, who checked in Tuesday at 8 pounds, 10 ounces. CFL commissioner Jake Gaudaur says he's a non-import.
    ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
    Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
    Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
    Object NumberTSPA_0068185F