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1877. Catalogue of the Bow Park herd of thorough-bred short-horns, Clydesdale horses, Cotswold and Leicester sheep and Berkshire pigs, the property of(...)
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1877. Catalogue of the Bow Park herd of thorough-bred short-horns, Clydesdale horses, Cotswold and Leicester sheep and Berkshire pigs, the property of(...)

1877. Catalogue of the Bow Park herd of thorough-bred short-horns, Clydesdale horses, Cotswold and Leicester sheep and Berkshire pigs, the property of The Canada West Farm Stock Association (Limited), Bow Park, Brantford P.O., Canada. With: 1875. Catalogue of the Bow Park herd of thorough-bred short-horns, the property of Hon. George Brown, Bow Park, Brantford P.O., Canada; Includes index.
    GeographyBuilding Monument ParkBow Park Farm
    GeographyCity, town, townshipBrantford
    GeographyCountyBrant (Ont. : County)
    GeographyProvince stateOntario
    Dimensions142, xxxviii pages ; 22 cm
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131055337711D
      Catalogue of The Bow Park herd of pure bred short-horns
      Thos. Moore & Co., fine job printers
      Extended pedigree certificate : Dominion short horn herd book
      Dominion Short Horn Breeders' Association (Toronto, Ont.)