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Col. Sweny brought with him from Abyssiunia three links of a chain, (shown at the upper left), which he struck from the leg of a British prisoner, Ber(...)
Col. Sweny brought with him from Abyssiunia three links of a chain, (shown at the upper left), which he struck from the leg of a British prisoner, Ber(...)

Col. Sweny brought with him from Abyssiunia three links of a chain, (shown at the upper left), which he struck from the leg of a British prisoner, Ber(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Col. Sweny brought with him from Abyssiunia three links of a chain; (shown at the upper left); which he struck from the leg of a British prisoner; Berou Goshee; and an Abyssinian processional cross; shown in the centre. To the left is a wooden temple platter on which the sacred wafer of the Eucharist was served. [Incomplete]
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object NumberTSPA_0114430F