Title shot: John Nimick of Philadelphia backhands a return in his hard ball match with Anil Nayar of New York that decided the Canadian Open amateur championship at Toronto Squash Club yesterday
Beaty, Keith
Toronto Star (Firm)
Alternate Title
- Title shot: John Nimick of Philadelphia backhands a return in his hard ball match with Anil Nayar of New York that decided the Canadian Open amateur championship at Toronto Squash Club yesterday.
- Title shot: John Nimick of Philadelphia backhands a return in his hard ball match with Anil Nayar of New York that decided the Canadian Open amateur championship at Toronto Squash Club yesterday
NotesOriginal Toronto Star caption: Title shot: John Nimick of Philadelphia backhands a return in his hard ball match with Anil Nayar of New York that decided the Canadian Open amateur championship at Toronto Squash Club yesterday.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
CollectionToronto Star Photograph Archive
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Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Call Number / Accession NumberTSPA_0097930F