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Marks's edition of the adventures of Paul Pry, and his young friend in London
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Marks's edition of the adventures of Paul Pry, and his young friend in London

Marks's edition of the adventures of Paul Pry, and his young friend in London. Caption title: Marks's adventures of Paul Pry & his young friend in London. Cover title and imprint. Printed on one side of leaf only, printed leaves facing each other. Undated. John Lewis Marks address was at 91 Long Lane, W. Smithfield from 1835-57.--Cf. Brown, P.A.H. London publishers and printers, c. 1800-1870. No reference to Marks's Artillery St. address. Earliest publication date for a title published by Marks in BLC is 1820.
      Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
      Object Number37131032419541D