Acupuncture - the Chinese treatment of pain by the insertion of needles - is used by Dr. Daryl Chiu on Miroslava Kerecki today at Wellesley Hospital w(...)
Combs, Erin
Toronto Star (Firm)
Alternate Title
- Acupuncture - the Chinese treatment of pain by the insertion of needles - is used by Dr. Daryl Chiu on Miroslava Kerecki today at Wellesley Hospital while communicator Ariane Siperman stands by. It's the beginning of a project at Wellesley to find out to what extent acupuncture can reduce or relieve pain.
- Acupuncture - the Chinese treatment of pain by the insertion of needles - is used by Dr. Daryl Chiu on Miroslava Kerecki today at Wellesley Hospital w(...)
NotesOriginal Toronto Star caption: Acupuncture - the Chinese treatment of pain by the insertion of needles - is used by Dr. Daryl Chiu on Miroslava Kerecki today at Wellesley Hospital while communicator Ariane Siperman stands by. It's the beginning of a project at Wellesley to find out to what extent acupuncture can reduce or relieve pain.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
CollectionToronto Star Photograph Archive
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Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Call Number / Accession NumberTSPA_0025472F
Olsen, Bob, 1931-2022
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