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Heavyweight boxer Jimmy Ellis, left, former World Boxing Association champion, and Boston Bruin's wonderboy, Bobby Orr had plenty of time to talk to T(...)
Heavyweight boxer Jimmy Ellis, left, former World Boxing Association champion, and Boston Bruin's wonderboy, Bobby Orr had plenty of time to talk to T(...)

Heavyweight boxer Jimmy Ellis, left, former World Boxing Association champion, and Boston Bruin's wonderboy, Bobby Orr had plenty of time to talk to T(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Heavyweight boxer Jimmy Ellis; left; former World Boxing Association champion; and Boston Bruin's wonderboy; Bobby Orr had plenty of time to talk to Timmy; symbol of Ontario Society for Crippled Children's Easter Seal drive; during last night's Sports Celebraties Dinner. Timmy is bilingual Denis Lapalme; 11; of Timmins lost legs in train accident. He mastered artificial limbs; plays [Incomplete]
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
      Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
      Object NumberTSPA_0022816F