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Three young mormons discuss missionary plans for Ontario and Quebec with Dr. Roy Spackman of Lethbridge, Alta., the mission leader. Nadine Wintle of R(...)
Three young mormons discuss missionary plans for Ontario and Quebec with Dr. Roy Spackman of Lethbridge, Alta., the mission leader. Nadine Wintle of R(...)

Three young mormons discuss missionary plans for Ontario and Quebec with Dr. Roy Spackman of Lethbridge, Alta., the mission leader. Nadine Wintle of R(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Three young mormons discuss missionary plans for Ontario and Quebec with Dr. Roy Spackman of Lethbridge; Alta.; the mission leader. Nadine Wintle of Redding; Calif.; left; Nancy Buttars of Ogden; Utah; and Susan Owen of Preston; Idaho; were with 67 young men from Canada and the U.S. who were meeting in Toronto this week with leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
      Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
      Object NumberTSPA_0022477F