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Happily Unaware of the tensions surrounding them, sisters Peggy, 5, left and Valerie, 3, played outdoors with Aileen Timbrell, 13, yesterday while Mrs(...)
Happily Unaware of the tensions surrounding them, sisters Peggy, 5, left and Valerie, 3, played outdoors with Aileen Timbrell, 13, yesterday while Mrs(...)

Happily Unaware of the tensions surrounding them, sisters Peggy, 5, left and Valerie, 3, played outdoors with Aileen Timbrell, 13, yesterday while Mrs(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Happily Unaware of the tensions surrounding them; sisters Peggy; 5; left and Valerie; 3; played outdoors with Aileen Timbrell; 13; yesterday while Mrs. Arthur Timbrell; the only mother they've known; sat in her Preston home wondering how she can give them up. Children's Aid has refused Application to adopt.
      ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
      Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
      Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
      Object NumberTSPA_0021496F
      Peggy, Valerie Timbrell
      Griffin, Doug
      The tension's terrific
      Goode, Jeff